Our service lab analyzes for you surfaces and interfaces with modern methods, including SEM/EDX, XPS, AFM, profilometry, and ToF-SIMS. We advise you on analytical questions, as they are typically encountered in production, quality assurance, or research and development.

For instance, we identify contaminations or film-forming impurities, and analyze adhesion or discoloring problems. Furthermore, we measure depth profiles by XPS or ToF-SIMS, perform particle analyses using SEM/EDX, and quantify chemical groups on surfaces.

Information about our services ...

nanoAnalytics has many years of experience in the development of measuring instruments that are used worldwide in the laboratories of our customers.

The portfolio ranges from devices for measuring the electrical impedance of cell layers (transepithelial / -endothelial electrical resistance, TER or TEER) under physiological conditions to add-on devices for scanning force microscopy (AFM).

Information about our current products ...


    • Current Scientific Publications > cellZscope

    • Current Scientific Publications > cellZscope

      Our list of scientific publications featuring the use of cellZscope has recently been updated. Feel free to explore the numerous applications of our devices. PublicationList

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    • Laboratory Comparison

    • Laboratory Comparison

      In the spring, we regularly organize an „Interlaboratory Comparison for EDS systems“. The participants can compare their systems with many other EDS laboratories. Each of the participants will receive an equivalent sample whose quantitative composition has to be determined, as in a round robin test.

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    • Exhibitions and Trade Shows

    • Exhibitions and Trade Shows

      We present our products and services at a number of international conferences and exhibitions. For more details on current events please click the link below.

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Express Service

Our analytical lab offers an express service and can provide results already within 48 hours. A weekend service is also available.



We are a multidisciplinary team with many years of experience in the area of surface and interface analysis.



nanoAnalytics is accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) as a testing lab according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.


Get in touch

T +49.(0)251.39491000
